AmSECT Mission
The mission of AmSECT is to foster improved patient care and safety by providing for the continuing education and professional needs of the extracorporeal circulation technology community.
History of AmSECT
The American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology was founded in 1964 with the belief that members of the then-new allied health field could best serve their profession by sharing their thoughts and experiences.
Steady growth was the keynote of AmSECT, as the ranks of Perfusionists expanded with the increasing demand for open-heart surgery. During the past decade, changes in lifestyle and improvements in the treatment of cardiac disease have resulted in Perfusionists facing the challenge of identifying new opportunities and expanded their practices in the areas of perioperative blood management, wound healing, ventricular assistance, and expanded uses of extracorporeal circulation.
Today AmSECT has over 2,000 members throughout the world and is dedicated to promoting the profession. The goals of the Society are diverse and include:
- national support of licensure through government relations
- development of professional standards for perfusion
- enhancement of perfusion scope of practice
- development of continuing education programs on national and regional levels
- support of educational programs for entering perfusionists
- scientific dissemination of knowledge through the publication of information in the indexed Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology
- distribution of current information through publication of a bi-monthly newsletter AmSECT Today